Actress Amisha Patel found herself in a row in 2004 when her relationship with her father was strained. So serious was it that a legall notice was slapped on her father Amit Patel, charging him with mismanaging her accounts and assets amounting to Rs 12 crore and demanding back the money due to her. The notice, sent by her lawyer Vibhav Krishna, blames her father Amit for mismanaging her accounts and swindling her money. The legal notice called upon Amit to settle her accounts immediately failing which Amisha would drag him to court and sue him for mismanagement of her assets. Amit reportedly suffered business losses and several of his creditors were after him to recover their money. Talk about being a grateful daughter. Perhaps the father should have slapped her back with his own legal notice for the years of toil he had to put to bring his daughter up. Fame has a strange way of getting to a persons head.
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