Vidya Balan found herself at the centre of a controversy when a porny video clip featuring the actress did its rounds on internet and mobile phone. Those who have seen the clips swear that the resemblance of the woman in a one-minute sizzling video clip is incredibly close to Vidya. However, Vidya’s close friends are quick to declare the video as morphed or fake. One may debate whether it’s a morphed video of Vidya some look-alike in the act, but Vidya decided to keep absolutely cool about it. Her secretary said from Mumbai that “she is busy shooting here and does not want to react to this. The issue is totally irrelevant to her and we do not want to encourage any discussion on the topic.”
In the past, Mallika Sherawat and Preity Zinta too had MMSs of their look-alikes doing the rounds and a MMS had also come to the fore which allegedly showed Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapur smooching
In the past, Mallika Sherawat and Preity Zinta too had MMSs of their look-alikes doing the rounds and a MMS had also come to the fore which allegedly showed Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapur smooching
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